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U.S. corporate Ambassadors at LAU - November, 2008.


The Young Women Leaders program at The Lebanese American University in Beirut in partnership with MEPI Alumni Network (U.S Middle East Partnership Initiative), held on November 5, 2008 an open panel discussion on the latest strategy developments in the business world with three U.S. corporate Ambassadors. Dr. Imad Salamey, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Young Women Leaders Program Director introduced the panelists. Miss Nadine Saba (Alumni coordinator of MEPI) led the discussion with the panelists: Ms Susan Stalick (Chief Operating Officer, KBMS Global, LLC), Ms Dawn Baron (Vice President of Marketing, American Society for Training and Development), and Miss Anne Enna (Independent Consultant). The three being highly successful and experienced corporate leaders discussed their experiences and challenges as women entrepreneurs. They emphasized the importance of planning and strategy formation for the success and continuation of any business, local or international. Following the discussion, panelists held a Q&A session with the students.

The Ambassadors engaged in a lively discussion.

Students interacting in the Q&A.

Dr. Imad Salamey introducing
the three U.S. corporate Ambassadors.

Miss Nadine Saba leading the discussion.

Students enjoying the reception.

 Faculty and students conversing.


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